Monday, July 9, 2007

Fourth Of July!

Our Fourth of July started out bright and early. We got to go to Cartersville to ride in the Fourth of July parade with my Paw-Paw, on his wagon. We had a great time.

Then came home and got ready to have a BBQ with our closest friends.

Sarah-Kate and Marlee waiting to go on parade.

Paw-Paw and Conner, speaking with the Associate Pastor of Liberty Square, who drove Don's team in the parade.

Came home to do some cooking and some swimming.

Mom enjoying sitting by the pool.

Our best friends, Bart and Tracy Swann and their children , Murphi and Treyton having a ball.

Treyton and Marlee going over jumps off the diving board.

Murphi smoozin' mom for a trip to Florida!!!

My mom, step-dad, and step-brother watching from the side.

We finished the night off , not by going down and braving the crowds at the park, but a welcome surprise... We could see the whole firework show from the end of our driveway!!! This place just gets better every-Day!!!!!!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Florida Trip 2007

Florida Trip 2007...what a great time, we took a quick trip to Florida for a long weekend, we had it planned for longer, but with the move to come in a week we came in a little early. The kids had a blast! This was Sarah-Kate and Marlee's first time at the beach. I drove mom's motorhome down, so we rode in comfort. We stayed at the Summit, enjoyed playing put-put, trip to St. Andrews, eating a Pinnapple Willy's, Dirty Dicks Crap House, which was so good, a wonderful trip on the Captain Anderson III to Shell Island, got to see close up of the dophins, I thought was the best!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

New Adventure!

New Adventure. Our family has begun a new adventure this summer, and no its not the camping and fishing adventures we like to go on. We have purchased our own home, so for the last few weeks, and most of the summer break we have been in the process of packing, moving, and doing some work on our new home. We would like to thank my mother, because without her help none of this would be possible. The kids are starting to settle in (a little) as with moving its hard on them.

My fav part is the back yard.

Weenie enjoying her fenced in back yard. She and Gracie have really enjoyed getting to run around while we enjoy the pool.

The Plans now are to improve on the yard area. Paint LaWayne's shop to match the pump house, then enjoy the view!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Break time!

Taking a break in front of Barnsley Gardens...

Paw-Paw's Mule's and Wagon!

Mom's rig!

Mom's set up! She has gotton to really enjoy her motorhome!,we too will get to enjoy it on the way to Florida, as she and I will be taking all 4 kids (alone!...oh NOOOO!) in it, though we will be staying in a condo...Just going to drive it down from more comfort! Andy in the background getting paw-paws wagon off the trailer.

Paw-Paw had a great day driving his team!

CowBoy, take me away!

LaWayne enjoying taking a ride.

Taking a break!

The girls having a snack,, .... LaWayne and his Brody taking a ride!

Wagons East... or so they say!

Wagons heading out.. first one is of Tommy G's, and his three,
pic 2 is of Larrys, following close behind them is Carol and her buggy....

Heading out...